Davanloo's Intensive Short-term Dynamic Psychotherapy. Application and understanding the theoretical and technical principles of this method in treatment of resistant patients
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Arch Psych Psych 2011;13(4):51-57
Dr. Habib Davanloo's long-term experiential research, which extends over 4 decades, has shown that 95% of patients who are seen by therapists present as high or very highly resistant (defensive) patients. This makes it impossible to access their core pathology. The goal of a standard form of Davanloo's IS-TDP is the removal of resistance, preferably done in the initial evaluating interviews, to be able to access the patient's core pathogenic organisation of unconscious. The central dimension of operation in removing patients' resistance is a transference component of resistance (TCR), mobilisation and intensification of TCR and the removal of guilt. Despite the popularity of this method many individuals continue to ask for clarification on particular points. I hope to address these concerns in this article. The main focus of this article will be presentation of the principles of theoretical basis of the standard Davanloo's IS-TDP. To illustrate the principles of this form of therapy I will present a clinical vignette of therapy from my own practice.