Marital Therapy/Couples Therapy: Indications and Contraindications
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Arch Psych Psych 2011;13(3):57-64
The author, basing on literature and her own experiences in conducting marital/couples, presents the indications and contraindications for this form of therapy for both recipients of the therapy and therapists. Insufficient motivation to change relationships and behaviours, the threat of divorce, violence, deep emotional and/or psychological disturbances in one or both spouses, the engagement of one of the partners in a relationship outside of marriage are some of the contraindications to therapy, as referred to in the article. What is being elaborated on are also correct approach and characteristics of marital therapist as well as contraindications to conduct this form of therapy. The author proposes a scheme of work with marriage/couple in crisis: preliminary consultations as the basis for the therapeutic contract or relegating partners to other specialists.