Self perception among patients with multiple sclerosis
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Arch Psych Psych 2010;12(3):63-68
Aim. The aim of this study was to describe self perception among patients with multiple sclerosis and asses if it correlates with the degree of disability. Method. 63 patients took part in this study - all fulfilled McDonald criteria of multiple sclerosis. Disability was quantified using the Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) by Kurtzke. Self perception was estimated by Adjective Check List (ACL, Gough and Heilbrunn), which was divided into two parts: actual self perception and self perception before developing SM. Result. The population of patients with Multiple Sclerosis is characterised by low self-esteem, decreased self-acceptance, resignation, despair and apprehension. These people tend to restrict or withdraw from interpersonal relationships, stop creating new challenges and aims and as a result their life slowly starts to concentrate mostly on observing symptoms of the illness. Another trend observed in this group is looking for support, protection and attention - which is connected with coming into dependency from other people.
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