Some aspects of sexual identity of girls suffering from anorexia nervosa
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Arch Psych Psych 2007;9(3):53-62
Introduction: The article presents the results of an empirical research on sexual identity of girls suffering from anorexia nervosa. The author introduces the theoretical concept of sexual identity. In the structure of sexual identity three aspects have been isolated, namely, a phenomenological aspect of sexual identity, conceptual aspect of sexual identity and the behavioural aspect of sexual identity. The second one, which includes self-esteem in the area of features related with sex, was the main object of interest in the study. Subjects and methods: 30 girls suffering from anorexia nervosa and 30 girls without eating problems were examined. The method used in the study was the Q technique. Results: A significantly lower level of self- esteem in the area of features related with sex was observed in anorectic patients in comparison with girls without eating problems. Moreover, some incoherence in the content of the conceptual aspect of sexual identity in anorectic girls was revealed. Conclusions: Therapy for anorexic girls should certainly include work on their concept of femininity.
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