Psychopathological long-term consequences of deportation of Polish civilians into the Soviet Union after 55 years (on the base of self-reports by the Sybiracs)
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Arch Psych Psych 2005;7(3):47-56
The study deals with psychopathological symptoms that were reported by individuals who had been deported to the Soviet Union (SU) during World War II (named here as Sybiracs). A total of 100 people who had survived deportation in childhood or early adolescence were assessed with the semi-structured interview, PTSD Inventory and Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS). During the stay in the SU the deportees were confronted with events that caused traumatic stress. The survey reveals that the most common PTSD symptoms in the subjects were: intrusive, distressing recollections of the deportation period and emotional as well as physiological reactivity on exposure to stimuli associated with deportation. The survey indicates that 47% of the subjects observed in themselves single symptoms of depression. The strongest predictors for psychopathological symptoms were: female gender, current bad medical conditions and bad psychological condition just after deportation. The results suggest that Sybiracs may well derive benefit from psychiatric and psychological consultations and support groups.